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"Cheat Sheet" for PowerBuilder/PFC "Help"

...PFC 7 Release Notes:  PB 7.0.2   |   PB 7.0.1   |   PFC 7.0 + PB 7.0
...PFC 6 Release Notes:  PFC 6.5.1 + PFC 6.5.1 Y2K + PB 6.5.1   |   PFC 6.5 + PB 6.5   |   PFC 6.0 + PB 6.0
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.04 + PFC 5.0.04 Y2K + PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (includes Y2K fixes) + PB 5.0.04
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.03 + PB 5.0.03   |   PFC 5.0.02   |   PFC 5.0.01
...PFC/PB Release Downloads:  Maintenance Downloads
...PFC Upgrade Check List: Cheat Sheet Upgrade Check List | PFCGuide Migration Check List | Faxback #44505

What's New in PFC 5.0.01?

Version 5.0.01
July 1, 1996


The tabpg_1 control on pfc_u_tab has been removed. If you want to continue using this control,
please add it into your extension tab object (u_tab). Note that this control was named
"tabpg_1" and was a "native" PowerBuilder tab page, not a user object.


pfc_u_dw pfc_print event script caused 64K segment problem when compiling to 16bit machine code

pfc_n_tr of_IsConnected function does not return correct result for negative handles.

pfc_n_cst_dwsrv of_DWArguments function not returning the argument names and data types.

pfc_n_cst_filesrv objects: Long file names over 80 characters were being truncated.

pfc_n_cst_filesrv objects: of_GetFileSize functions always returned failure code whether the
file name was valid or not.

pfc_u_lv endlabeledit script changed the corresponding column in the linked datastore
regardless of whether the actual text value changed. This caused the datastore to always
report that changes were made when the window closed.

Function of_CreateDWObject. Prior to the change the Status Bar window could not have a height
greater than 61. (Changed From 'header(height=65') (Changed To 'header(height=' +

The Simple Filter window Column Values were being changed to UpperCase. The edit attribute of
the column was changed to ANY. Warning: a PB bug changes the Case attribute of the Column to
UPPER from ANY (ptrack # 324608).


pfc_w_selection: double-click support added




The security scanner utility application (found in the pfcsecsc.pbl
library) cannot be run from the development environment as it uses
the setlibrarylist function. It must also be created as a single exe
(no pbds allowed). Use the project object found in that library and
the pfcsecsc.pbr to create the exe. This utility must be named
'pfcsecsc.exe' and be located in either the current directory or on
the path. It is run from the PFC Security Administration utility
(pfcsecad.exe) which can be run from the development environment.


8-) ~~ Special thanks to Josef Dufek (Pepa) for passing this along to us


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