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...PFC 7 Release Notes:  PB 7.0.2   |   PB 7.0.1   |   PFC 7.0 + PB 7.0
...PFC 6 Release Notes:  PFC 6.5.1 + PFC 6.5.1 Y2K + PB 6.5.1   |   PFC 6.5 + PB 6.5   |   PFC 6.0 + PB 6.0
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.04 + PFC 5.0.04 Y2K + PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (includes Y2K fixes) + PB 5.0.04
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.03 + PB 5.0.03   |   PFC 5.0.02   |   PFC 5.0.01
...PFC/PB Release Downloads:  Maintenance Downloads
...PFC Upgrade Check List: Cheat Sheet Upgrade Check List | PFCGuide Migration Check List | Faxback #44505

What's New in PFC 5.0.03?

[Official place for PFC 5.0.03 List of Changes: README.TXT File from PS FTP Site | Faxback]
[PB (vs. PFC) 5.0.03 Release Notes (Below)] [Sybase Downloads]

Release Notes for PFC Version 5.0.03

Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Updated 3/18/97

Welcome to version 5.0.03 of the PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library.
Please take a few minutes to review this file for changes and bug fixes
that have been made to the libraries.

Contents of this file:
New Extension Objects
Bugs Fixed
New Functionality
Other Changes
Documentation Updates
For Further Information


NOTE: There are no new extension objects for version 5.0.03.

These extension objects should be included in your customized
extension pbls. The object name, PowerBuilder library, and
release are listed for each new extension object.
For more information or help on retaining customizations to your
extension levels when upgrading to a new release of PFC, please
refer to Powersoft Faxline #44505.

5.0.02 n_cst_platformmac pfeapsrv.pbl
5.0.02 n_cst_filesrvmac
5.0.02 n_cst_platformsol2
5.0.02 n_cst_filesrvsol2
5.0.02 w_print


INIFile Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_inifile
Method: of_Delete (...)
Fix: of_Delete functions are now non-case-sensitive.
Tech support#:

Debug Service
Object: pfc_w_debuglog
Fix: Disable invalid RMB options
Tech support#:

Numerical Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_numerical
Method: of_GetBit
Fix: fix problem with long numbers (>32k)
Tech support#: 411215

DateTime Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_datetime
Method: of_LastDayofMonth
Fix: Fixed functions from failing when using an international
date format.
Tech support#: 387597

Application Manager
Object: pfc_w_splash
Fix: Fixed various scenarios where splash window would not close.
Tech support#: 387531

DataWindow Linkage Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_linkage
Method: of_GetValue
Fix: Added code to put quotes around date and time values.
Prevents Missing Comma message.
Tech support#: 349006

Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_linkage
Method: of_RetrieveDetails
Fix: Changed to handle comparisons between any variables cast
to different datatypes.
Tech support#: 354243

DataWindow Service Dialogs
Object: pfc_w_sortdragdrop
Fix: Invalid RMB operations were available for the window.
RMB has been removed for these dialogs.
Tech support#: 406032

Object: pfc_w_filterextended
Fix: Fixed clipping problems of buttons when running on Windows 3.1
Tech support#: 405542

Object: pfc_w_filterextended
Fix: Fixed display of values for radiobutton and checkbox edit
style columns. Removed spin control from editmasks, removed arrow
from dropdowns in values list.
Tech support#: 392230

Object: pfc_w_filtersimple
Fix: Commandbuttons were not subclassed from u_cb
Tech support#:

Object: w_filtersimple
Fix: Disable invalid RMB options
Tech support#:

DataWindow Find Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_find
Method: of_Replace
Fix: Corrected problem where the Matchcase attribute was being ignored
Tech support#: 411271

Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_find
Method: destructor event
Fix: Added cleanup to close any existing find/replace dialogs. Prior to
the fix, the popup dialogs would stay open when closing sheet windows.
Tech support#: 412211

DataWindow Filter Service
Object: pfc_w_filtersimple
Method: dw_filter.itemfocuschanged event
Fix: Changed to clear the columnvalues via a Reset operation.
Prevents invalid rows from appearing in the values dropdown.
Tech support#: 375031

Window classes
Object: pfc_w_master
Method: pfc_updatespending
Fix: pfc_updatespending event - corrected variable which allowed
the new upperbound for ipo_pendingupdates to be incorrect.
Tech support#: 385165

Object: pfc_w_frame
Method: hide and show events
Fix: Notify n_cst_winsrv_statusbar that the frame is hiding or
showing to prevent the statusbar object from still showing up when
the frame is hidden.
Tech support#: 406846

Object: pfc_w_frame
Method: closequery event
Fix: The CloseQuery return code is no longer disregarded when
the service is set to use the PFC Message Window.
Tech support#: 412149

Window StatusBar Service
Object: pfc_w_statusbar
Method: of_RefreshPosition
Fix: Hide statusbar (disable timer) when the parentwindow is minimized.
This allows the window to be restored by clicking on the win95 taskbar.
Prior to the fix, the only way to restore a minized PFC app which used the
statusbar service was to right click and Restore.
Tech support#: 393186

Object: pfc_w_statusbar
Method: of_RefreshVisuals
Fix: Display 'N/A' instead of '-1' when current platform does not
support the memory/resource setting.
Tech support#: 388438

Object: pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar
Method: of_GetSystemSettings
open event
Fix: Properly align the statusbar window under WindowsNT 4.0
Tech support#: 379595

Object: pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar
Fix: Corrected focus problem where focus would not be returned to the
correct object. This behavior could be observed for instance by using the
statusbar service with the login window.
Tech support#: 386650

Window Preference Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_winsrv_preference
Fix: Problem occurred when right mouse button was pressed on
toolbar when using preference service. A blank entry would appear
on the menu.
Tech support#:

Error Message Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_error
Method: of_ProcessMessageSubstitution
Fix: Prevent the duplication of the error text when one argument
is passed in.
Tech support#: 392251

Object: pfc_w_message
Fix: Commandbuttons were not subclassed from u_cb
Tech support#:

File Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrvwin32
Method: of_CreateDirectory
Fix: This function was performing inconsistently on NT4.0 platform.
Changed object structure os_securityattributes ch_description from char
to string datatype.
Tech support#: 385171, 383284

Object: f_setfilesrv
Fix: Added code on object creation to create a 16 bit service
under NT if application is a 16 bit exe.
Tech support#: 409301

Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrvwin16
Method: of_GetDriveType
Fix: Fix function signatures to match ancestor pfc_n_cst_fileserv.
Prior to the fix, it was possible to call the wrong function (through
Tech support#: 393945, 409906

Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrvwin16
Method: of_SetLastWriteDateTime
Fix: Function was doubling the number of seconds.
Tech support#: 400277

Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrv
Fix: Fixed compile errors that could occur for 16bit machine code on
of_SortDirList function.
Tech support#: 380318

Object: pfc_n_cst_winfilesrv16
Method: of_GetLastWriteDatetime
Fix: Fix problems dealing with using international date format.
Tech support#: 387597

Object: pfc_n_cst_winfilesrv32
Method: of_ConvertFileDatetimetoPB
Fix: Fix problems dealing with using international date format
Tech support#: 387597

Object: pfc_n_cst_winfilesrv16
Method: of_ConvertPBDatetimetoFile (win32)
of_SetLastWriteDatetime (win16)
Fix: Fix date when century is not included.
Tech support#: 387597

Platform Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_platformwin32
Method: of_GetTextSize
Fix: Changed uint variables to ulongs for handles to fix bugs
under NT4.0
Tech support#: 387595, 391789, 379590

Object: f_setplatform
Fix: Added code on object creation to create a 16 bit service
under NT if application is a 16 bit exe.
Tech support#: 409301

Object: pfc_n_cst_platformwin16
Method: of_GetUserId
Fix: Prior to the fix, not returning value on WFW OS.
Added 2 new local external calls to handle this.
Tech support#:

Object: pfc_n_cst_platformwin16
Method: of_FindWindow
Fix: Set local external call classname parameter to null so window
handles can be returned
Tech support#:

PFC Security Scanner
Fix: Fix various problems with scanning utility hanging
Tech support#:

Object: w_pfc_security_reportwindow (PFC Security Administration utility)
Fix: Print preview bug, service was not properly intialized
Tech support#: 390623

Object: d_pfcsecurity_controllistdel
Fix: The 'control' column in the database and datawindows had a
maximum length of 64. This has been expanded to 128. Symptoms were that
a window would be scanned with the PFC Security Scanner and not appear
in the database.
See file control.sql for script to alter the SQLAnywhere database. Note
that the installed pfc.db contains the fix.
Tech support#: 398848, 405369

Object: pfc_n_cst_security
Fix: Problem when user belongs to more than one group, security not
being set properly. Forced group priority to be > 0
Tech support#: 340527

Object: pfc_n_cst_security
Fix: Prior to the fix, not handling lines, rectangles, ovals, round
rectangle or OLE controls if securitu was set on them.
Tech support#: 397310

Object: pfc_n_cst_security
Fix: Wrong argument used in call to set default group, added additional
database error checking
Tech support#: 393174

Object: pfc_u_tv
Method: of_PopulateLevel
Fix: Fix null object ref message when using a nonupdatable DW
Tech support#: 371950

Customize Toolbars Dialog
Object: pfc_w_toolbars
Fix: Invalid RMB operations were available for the window.
RMB has been removed.
Tech support#: 408272


DataWindow Find Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_find
Method: of_BuildFindExpression
The service now handles searching for quotes
Tech support#: 394876

Object: d_filtersimple
Added headers to the 4 dropdown objects within the datawindow
object. (Column, Operator, Value, Logical)
Tech support#: 392962

File Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrvwin16
Seconds are now returned on GetFileDateTime
Tech support#: 390534, 400277

Window Statusbar Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar
Method: of_SetGDIWidth
The functions could only be called prior to requesting the
corresponding pre-defined object. Enhanced so that function can be
called any time.
Tech support#: 412639

Error Message Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_error
Method: of_ProcessNotify
Enhanced functionality to specify the address (in addition to the
user name) of those that need to be notified.
New overloaded functions should be used if user aliases cannot be
resolved into an address.
Tech support#: 414160


Object: pfc_u_lv
Method: of_DeleteColumn
Added these functions to remove report view columns.
of_SetDatasource now clears all columns when called.
Note: If you were explictly calling DeleteColumn or DeleteColumns,
you will need to change those calls to the new of_DeleteColumn and
of_DeleteColumns respectively. This is because the new PFC functions
sync up the internal columns the PFC listview uses to display data.
Not using these functions will cause the PFC listview to get out of
sync and cause an error.
Tech support#:


File Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_filesrvwin32
NT4.0 handles are now 32 bits. Changed uint references to
ulong in local external function headings and any associated scripts
to support this change.
Tech support#:

Platform Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_platformwin32
NT4.0 handles are now 32 bits. Changed uint references to
ulong in local external function headings and any associated scripts
to support this change.
Tech support#:

Window classes
Object: pfc_w_frame
Method: of_SetStatusbar
Only allow statusbar service to instantiate on windows having microhelp.
Tech support#:

Object: pfc_u_tv
Method: of_SetDatasource
Add check of label column for string column type only.
Tech support#:

Object: pfc_u_lv
of_SetDatasource now clears all columns when called.
Tech support#:

DataWindow Filter Service
Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_filter
Method: of_SetStyle
These functions used to check for a valid requester before working.
Not needed - the functions no longer check the requester.
Tech support#:

Error Message Service
Object: pfc_w_message
Method: pfc_preopen event
Code moved from pfc_preopen event to open event
Tech support#:

PBL comments now contain version information.
Note that pfc_n_cst_debug object contains version information also.
Tech support#: 365782

PFC files are now all lowercase.
Changed references to lowercase files in objects pfc_w_sortdragdrop,


The security scanner utility (found in the pfcsecsc.pbl library)
cannot be run from the PB development environment. It must be created
as a single executable file. The executable must be named 'pfcsecsc.exe'
and be located in either the current directory or in a directory on the
path. The security scanner utility is run by the PFC Security
Administration utility (which can be run from the development


1. Powersoft offers an electronic Bulletin Board Service
to all users of Powersoft Enterprise Series products. This
BBS enables you to upload PowerBuilder libraries for review
by technical support engineers. It also enables you to
download fixes for released software, code samples,
documentation, the latest training course schedules, and
PowerNotes (a series of technical articles). You can access
the BBS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without a fee.

* Powersoft BBS phone number: USA: (508) 287-1850
UK: +44 1628 597 311
* Connect information: 8 DataBits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit,
and speeds of up to 28.8 KBPS are supported.

2. Powersoft FaxLine documents provide information in the
form of code samples, tips, techniques, and other
documentation sent to your fax machine. You can use FaxLine
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without a fee.

* Powersoft FaxLine phone number: USA: (508) 287-1600
UK: (+44) 1628 597 312

3. If you are a CompuServe subscriber, you can use the
Powersoft forum, which is dedicated to answering questions
about products, services, and technical issues. To access
this forum on CompuServe, type:

GO POWERSOFT at any ! prompt.

4. More information can also be found on the Powersoft
Web site:


Finally, we would like to thank you for your support for PFC.
Your feedback and suggestions for the product are welcome by
sending email to pfc@powersoft.com

PFC Development Team
March 1997


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...PFC 7 Release Notes:  PB 7.0.2   |   PB 7.0.1   |   PFC 7.0 + PB 7.0
...PFC 6 Release Notes:  PFC 6.5.1 + PFC 6.5.1 Y2K + PB 6.5.1   |   PFC 6.5 + PB 6.5   |   PFC 6.0 + PB 6.0
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.04 + PFC 5.0.04 Y2K + PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (includes Y2K fixes) + PB 5.0.04
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.03 + PB 5.0.03   |   PFC 5.0.02   |   PFC 5.0.01
...PFC/PB Release Downloads:  Maintenance Downloads
...PFC Upgrade Check List: Cheat Sheet Upgrade Check List | PFCGuide Migration Check List | Faxback #44505

What's New in PB 5.0.03?


Fixes and New Functionality in Release 5.0.03:

Information about Fixes in this release:

For information on issues fixed by this maintenance release, see fixes503.nfo. This can be
viewed using bviews.exe in the \fixes directory.

ObjectCycle 2.0

This maintenance release contains the new version of ObjectCycle, Powersoft's client/server
version control product that combines powerful technologies (Microsoft Network, ODBC, RDBMS) to
provide lightweight, scaleable, and easy to use team development capabilities.

Translation Toolkit

This maintenance release also contains the Translation Toolkit. This new Powersoft product
that replaces Translation Assistant. It is a 32-bit 5.0 application that helps translate
PowerBuilder 5.0 Windows applications to the language of your choice. Translated applications
can be deployed on 16-bit or 32-bit Windows platforms and can be ported to Macintosh or UNIX.

The Translation Toolkit has five tools:
Phrase Extractor
Project Translator
Text Analyzer
Dictionary Maintenance

For more information, please see:

Localized PFC

The 5.0.03 maintenance release includes versions of PFC localized to the following languages:
French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.

In response to several questions, here is information on setting dates in non-US format using

To set the date format in the status bar, call the service function of_SetTimerFormat(...) on
n_cst_wnsrv_statusbar. This function is available in the 5.0.03 version of PFC.

New Driver for Oracle 7.3:

The driver for Oracle 7.3, which was beta in PowerBuilder Maintenance release 5.0.02 is final
in this release. This driver allows both 16 and 32-bit PowerBuilder to connect to Oracle 7.3

New Driver for Informix 7.2:

The driver for Informix 7.2, which was beta in PowerBuilder Maintenance release 5.0.02 is final
in this release.

In version 7 of Informix, INET and ESQL were combined and are now called simply ESQL. For the
C language, it is ESQLC. The new PowerBuilder 32-bit driver supports the combined product. The
goal of the new driver is to provide compatibility with existing functionality. 7.x provides
support for internationalization and better performance, so customers are moving to it

The 32-bit driver for Informix 7.2 was made available in beta with Maintenance Release 5.0.02.
There will be no 16-bit version. Informix customers can also use Informix's Call Level
Interface(CLI), which mirrors ODBC functionality. This ships with INET 7, and gives users an
immediate way to connect to the database. This driver will only be available for use with
PowerBuilder 5.0 (not created for use with PB4).

There is one known issue which will be corrected in 5.0.04; there is currently a restriction
that switching servers using Setnet32.exe isn't picked up by PB and causes the error: -761
Informix Server does not match either DBServerName or DbServerAlias".

New Source Control Driver

We've added a new source control interface that uses Microsoft's open SCC API to request
services from SCC provider DLLs that are distributed by many vendors of source management

The new file, PBSCC050.DLL, allows PowerBuilder to access SCC-compliant source control systems
from the library painter. This extends our ability to work with additional source control
providers such as Pure Atria, Platinum and Microsoft. This file is available for Win95 and Win

Library Painter Enhancements

Checking out an application object automatically invokes the PowerBuilder application painter
to switch the current application to the checked out application object. It also associates
the checked out application object with the existing source management configuration file, and
builds the correct library search path for the checked out application. Automatically
switching current application objects makes it no longer necessary to disconnect and reconnect
to the source management system .

Checking in an application object automatically invokes the application painter to switch
current application to the newly checked in application object. It is no longer necessary to
disconnect and reconnect to source management system. These enhancements make it possible to
revise application objects with the same procedures used for other PowerBuilder objects.

There is a new source control log feature accessible from the Library Painter.

Added support for ObjectCycle 2.0. The driver is also backwards compatible with ObjectCycle

Added support for sub-folders in the node list.

Added support for %v%d\rcs\%f symbolic parameters in RCSPATH specification

Improved implementation of "Source Configuration" to avoid unnecessary overwrites of .the
configuration file

Database Driver Enhancements:

(Beta) PBSYC - Win 3.1, Win95, and Win NT - Added support for Open Client 11.1 security and
directory services. There are a number of new DBParms which allow setting of various security
options. See documentation for more information.

PBSYT is now compatible with Open Client 11.1.

PBSYT and PBSYB for UNIX and MAC - New ReadBlob processing dramatically improves performance.

PBSYD - for accessing Sybase SQLServer 11.1 through OpenClient 11.1 on Solaris. This driver
does not work with OpenClient 10.x.

New DBParm - FormatArgsAsExp

FormatArgsAsExp is a new DBParm that tells PowerBuilder to format retrieval arguments for
DataWindows in scientific notation when the value exceeds 12 digits of precision. The DBParm
is available in the following drivers:

FormatArgsAsExp is a boolean parm with the following values:

YES: Format retrieval arguments for DataWindows in scientific notation when the value exceeds
12 digits of precision
NO: Do not format values, and truncate after 18 digits of precision.

The default is "YES", which is the current behavior.

FormatArgsAsExp is a static DBParm - you cannot change the setting once you have connected to
a database.

New DBParm - CommitOnDisconnect

We're introducing a new DBParm called CommitOnDisconnect. This allows the developer to specify
whether or not a commit will be issued upon disconnect from the database.

CommitOnDisconnect is a boolean parm with the following values:

YES: Perform a commit on the close of the application
NO: Do not perform a commit on close of the application; rollback all uncommitted changes.

If the parameter is set, it will take effect on both a shutdown of the program, and when an
explicit disconnect is issued in a script.

The default is "YES", which is the current behavior.

The DB parm will be available for all databases. CommitOnDisconnect is a static DBParm - you
cannot change the setting once you have connected to a database.

ODBC 3.0

When you install the 5.0.03 maintenance release, you will get the Microsoft ODBC 3.0 driver
manager, giving you connectivity to ODBC 3.0 drivers. The PowerBuilder driver and Microsoft
ODBC files will be installed by default in both the development environment and Deployment kit.
If you do not wish to upgrade to ODBC 3.0, you must go into the "Native Drivers" option under
PowerBuilder or the Deployment kit and deselect the ODBC option.

PRINT statements in SQL Server stored procedures
The Sybase System 10 and System 11 native database interface (PBSYC050.DLL) and the SQL Server
4.x native database interface (PBSYB050.DLL)differ in the way they treat PRINT statements in
user-written stored procedures.

PBSYC050 interface: The PBSYC050 interface no longer treats PRINT statements in stored
procedures as fatal errors. For example, if you turn on the Database Trace tool when accessing
the database through PBSYC050, PRINT messages appear in the PBTRACE.LOG file but they no longer
return errors or cancel the rest of the stored procedure.

PBSYB050 interface: By contrast, the PBSYB050 interface still treats PRINT statements in stored
procedures as fatal errors. This is the same behavior as earlier (4.0-based) versions of PBSYB
and PBSYC.

What this means to you: If you want to use PRINT statements in your stored procedures for
debugging purposes, you should consider using the PBSYC050 interface in PowerBuilder or
InfoMaker to access the database.

Asynch support for Oracle

Have implement asynch support for the Oracle database. To access this parameter, set Asynch =1
as a DBParm and add a comment in the RetrieveRow event.

Running 16 & 32-bit apps in Windows 95

In Windows 95, windows class name spaces are shared between 16-bit and 32-bit. Prior to
5.0.03, there were still some window classes that shared the same names. This has been
changed, and now 16 and 32-bit applications should coexist peacefully. Under Windows NT there
is no issue, since 16-bit and 32-bit applications have separate window class name spaces.

Year 2000 Application

There is a PBL included on the maintenance CD that illustrates PowerBuilder's capabilities in
handling dates beyond the year 2000. The PBL is called Datetest and is in the \\support\y2k


8-) ~~ Special thanks to Josef Dufek (Pepa) for passing this along to us


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