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"Cheat Sheet" for PowerBuilder/PFC "Help"

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PFC Development Team

There used to be a specific hotline email address to reach the PFC Development Team ( mailto:pfc@sybase.com ).  However, it is no longer in operation.  Instead, it currently replies:

Effective immediately, this emailbox (pfc@sybase.com) is no longer being monitored.

For your convenience, you may use the following resources for your PFC questions:

1) Newsgroup: 
          Share information about PFC with other PowerBuilder/PFC users.

2) Electronic Case Management (ECM): 
          Submit Bugs and Enhancement Requests via the Web

3) Technical Support

Get your PFC questions answered by Sybase Technical Support Engineers. Use your existing Support Plan or initiate a pay-as-you-go issue.

Click here to meet the PFC Creators!
What's in the latest PFC release? PFC 7.0 is the most current
PFC 6.0: http://www.sybase.com/Partners/code/pfc.html
PFC 6.0 Conf '97 Slides: http://www.sybase.com/Events/psuc97/cdrom/pm040.zip
How do I upgrade from one PFC release to the next?

...PFC 7 Release Notes:  PB 7.0.2   |   PB 7.0.1   |   PFC 7.0 + PB 7.0
...PFC 6 Release Notes:  PFC 6.5.1 + PFC 6.5.1 Y2K + PB 6.5.1   |   PFC 6.5 + PB 6.5   |   PFC 6.0 + PB 6.0
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.04 + PFC 5.0.04 Y2K + PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (includes Y2K fixes) + PB 5.0.04
...PFC 5 Release Notes:  PFC 5.0.03 + PB 5.0.03   |   PFC 5.0.02   |   PFC 5.0.01
...PFC/PB Release Downloads:  Maintenance Downloads
...PFC Upgrade Check List: Cheat Sheet Upgrade Check List | PFCGuide Migration Check List | Faxback #44505

New Releases
Free downloads and patches are available here:

http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

My Support:
Free + Awarded "one of the year's 10 best support sites of 1999"

EAS 3.6 Maintenance Release:
http://support.sybase.com   (select "Enterprise Application Server" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)

PB 7.0 C3 Maintenance Release:
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)

EAS 3.5 Consolidated EBF#2 Maintenance Release:
http://support.sybase.com   (select "Enterprise Application Server" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB 7.0.2 EBF#2 Maintenance Release:  (subset of EAS 3.5 ConsEBF#2 above)
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

EAS 3.0.1 Maintenance Release:

PB 7.0.1 Maintenance Release:  (subset of EAS 3.0.1)
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB/PFC 7.0 Pre-Maintenance Release:

PB/PFC 7.0:
PB 7.0 Release Press Release:  http://dynamic.sybase.com/press_releases/press_releases/ExternalItem/0,1099,19300,00.html
Press Release: http://www.sybase.com/products/powerbuilder/
Nice List of What's New: http://www.justpbinfo.com/techdocs/pb7feat.asp
Download: http://www.sybase.com/products/eastudio/beta3.0/download.html

Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1:
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB/PFC 6.5.1 (Also see "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above):
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB/PFC 6.5 (previously called 6.0.01):
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (Also see "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above):
http://support.sybase.com   (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Downloads" from DropDowns)  or simply goto

PB/PFC 5.0.04 (Also see "PB 5.0.04 EBF#3" and "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above):

PB/PFC 5.0.03:

FTP Site URL: ftp://ftp.powersoft.com
On FTP client, Sever: ftp.powersoft.com
Enter user name Anonymous, and enter your email address as the password
Conference '99 Slides To view the recorded Webcast of the keynote presentation

The eleven Sybase press releases that were launched in sync with the opening of the TechWave conference

Main TechWave '99 Page:

Master Presentations:
http://www.sybase.com/techwave99/presentations (logon ID and password protected*)

AD262 - Programming with the PowerBuilder Foundation Class (PFC)
http://www.sybase.com/events/techwave99/presentations/Ad262.zip (logon ID and password protected*)

  *Note:   Unfortunately, you need a logon ID and password to download the presentations.
I asked  Sybase.Techwave@sybase.com if it is okay for me to publish one here, 
but unfortunately the request was declined.   
Perhaps in the near future they may open them up to the public.
Conference '98 Slides Master for PM (afternoon) presentations:

PM319 - Using PowerDesigner to Jump-Start PowerBuilder PFC Projects
PM320 - Using the PFC 6.0 LUW Service
PM321 - Using the PFC 6.0 TreeView Control
PM322 - Increasing Distributed PowerBuilder Speed with ORB-Type PFC Services
PM602 - Beginning with the PFC
PM603 - Rearchitecting a "Legacy" PowerBuilder Application to Use the PFC
PM605 - Case Study: Extending the PFC Security Module
PM606 - Stored Procedures, Databases, and the PFC

Web Cast of opening session keynote by Sybase Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mitchell Kertzman:

Also check out some live PBDJ audios recorded live at the conference!

Conference '97 Slides Master for PM (afternoon) presentations:

PM 40 - New Features in the PFC Library (PFC 6.0) - by PFC Development Teamsters - Mark Overbey and Claudio Quant
PM 41 - Techniques and Design Strategies to Use on the PFC Library - by Howard Block, administrator of pfcsig
PM 77 - Customizing the PFC Library - by Earl Clark, Powersoft
PM 76 - PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library - by PFC Dev Team Mbr Brian Grimm, & Jackie Green, PS Tech Support
Also, the cute Web Cast of the opening session can be viewed at

Lastly, for a raw index of all the .zip files check

Feedback using
...Report bugs...Submit Your Enhancement Requests...

Example of reporting a PFC Enhancement Request (compliments of Boris Gasin)...

  1. Type "ENH-EP" as the Old Support ID on the WebExpress Logon page.
  2. Select the appropriate location from the Location field. Click Go.
  3. Select the 'Submit New Issue' option. Click Next.
  4. Choose the Product Family (Powerbuilder) and product (Advanced Developers Toolkit)
  5. In the [TITLE] field type "ENHANCEMENT REQUEST".
  6. In the [DESCRIPTION] field describe the requested enhancement in detail.
Tips for Getting your Bug Fixed http://techinfo.sybase.com/css/techinfo.nsf/By+View\ALL+Technical+Documents/BD98A8EECFD11208882564BA006538F5?OpenDocument
PowerBuilder WEB Site
Sybase WEB Site
Visual Basic versus PowerBuilder
What criteria should development shops use in choosing between Visual Basic and PowerBuilder?... An independent consultant reports study's findings
All the Tech Info you could ever want! http://techinfo.sybase.com/css/techinfo.nsf/Home
PFC Faxbacks from Sybase ~ Handy List http://www.pfcguide.com/pfclinks.asp#PFC_FaxBack_Documents
PowerBuilder Faxbacks - Easy to Search http://techinfo.sybase.com/css/techinfo.nsf/FAQs
PowerBuilder Online Documentation - PB 7.0,6.0,5.0 http://sybooks.sybase.com/onlinebooks/group-pb/@Generic__CollectionView;pt=group-pb 
Internal Online Infobase
...Latest bug reports and work arounds...
...See if your issue has already been reported
or solved...

Also see Tech Support's "Pay As You Go" program below


Also try searching Sybase Support at:

Sybase Technical Support (800) 937-7693
Sybase Technical Support's "Pay As You Go" program - Pay per issue, no charge if bug (508) 287-1950
Customer Relations (800) 925-0072, (508) 287-1900
FaxLine Service ("FaxBacks") (888) SYBS-FAX - U.S. & Canada
(888) 792-7329
(508) 266-1600 Outside U.S. & Canada

Check out: http://techinfo.sybase.com/css/techinfo.nsf/Whats+New

FaxLine Service ("FaxBacks") - International UK: (+44) 1494 555 522
UK: (+44) 1628 597 312
Training/Consulting (508) 287-1700
Installation/Registration (508) 287-1750



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