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"Cheat Sheet" for PowerBuilder/PFC "Help"

Expert Help

Table of Contents

  1. TeamSybase and  the Sybase Newsgroups
  2. Sybase Support Search
  3. Sybase Developer Network (SDN)
  4. PBDJ Developer Forum
  5. PowerBuilder/Sybase Newsletters
  6. Compuserve PowerBuilder Forum
  7. PFC Guide

TeamSybase and the Sybase Newsgroups:

The Sybase Newsgroups are hosted by the TeamSybase Gurus.  The TeamSybase Gurus do a wonderful job of answering your questions quickly, succinctly and correctly.

forums.powersoft.com  (PB & PFC Newsgroups ~ moderated)

[More news://...]    [Complete List]


To Search Archives from the PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search:

Try out the PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search at:


To Search Archives from Deja:

Goto Deja at: http://www.deja.com/ and search for the name of the newsgroup, adding any other desired keywords as well. For example:


powersoft.public.powerbuilder.pfc security
powersoft.public.* security
sybase.public.* transaction

Newsgroup Setup Faxbacks:
47611 - Configuring your Newsreader for Sybase Newsgroups
47612 - Available Sybase Newsgroups
47613 - NNTP Newsgroups at Sybase, Inc.
47614 - How to Best Utilize Sybase Newsgroup Services

News Server IP address:

Breck Carter's Tip 87:  "Getting Started With Sybase News Groups" - http://www.bcarter.com/tip087.htm

Also, be sure to follow some rules of  Netiquette1, Netiquette2

Firewall restrictions? If your company has a firewall against all NNTP newsgroups, ask your network administrator to please open it up for just the Sybase server. Usually, there is no problem doing so.

NewsGroups web-based news readerIf however your company will not allow it, try out Dynamic Technology Group's web-based news reader which enables you to post and read messages to/from forums.powersoft.com at http://www.pfcguide.com/_newsgroups/group_list.asp .

Note: You've wondered forever what these TeamSybase gurus are actually like in person, and now, finally, in addition to checking out their web sites, you can see them, too!


Sybase Support Search:

To easily find related Technical documents, Product Manual information and Solved Cases, search Sybase Support at: http://support.sybase.com/fd_search.html

Sybase's Super Tech Search


Sybase Developer Network (SDN):

To stay up-to-date, be sure to visit the Sybase Developer Network often at:  http://sdn.sybase.com/sdn/index.stm

Sybase Developer Network


PBDJ Developer Forum:

pfor.gif (2227 bytes)Expert help from the "Power Team" at http://www.sys-con.com/pbdj/board.htm


PowerBuilder/Sybase Newsletters:

Sybase Developer Network http://sdn.sybase.com/sdn/about.stm
justPBinfo http://www.justpbinfo.com/newsletters/newslettertoc.htm
Check out the archives there, too.
The Instant Sybase News Service http://www.sybase.com/programs/i.news
Michael Brown's Pure Power http://www.magicnet.net/purepower


Compuserve PowerBuilder Forum:


This PowerBuilder Forum used to be hosted by the Team Powersoft (now called TeamSybase) people.  However, they moved to the Sybase newsgroups (above).

Since then, another group has taken over the Compuserve forum.  So it is still active and available if you wish to use it as well.  You can also access the PBForum via the web at


Please note however that you still must be a Compuserve member to visit this site.


PFC Guide - http://www.pfcguide.com

TeamSybase Member, Boris Gasin’s
PFC Guide web site:
Highlights: This WEB site was created by TeamSybase member Boris Gasin, a highly respected authority on the PFC.
This site contains a potpourri of many helpful things dealing specifically with the PFC. For example...
PFC Service FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), including... General descriptions of PFC services
Answers to common questions for different PFC services
Solutions to several problems using PFC services
PFC Theory... PFC in general, How to get started
PFC Extension Strategies
Very helpful PFC Links… Sybase PFC-related faxbacks
Upcoming PFC functionality
PFC-mailing list subscriptions & archives
A PFC Webzine… PFC related articles
PFC product reviews (coming soon)
Downloads… A PFC Extension Layer
Most recent copy of this document
News… PFC-related events, upgrade schedules, and product releases
EXTENSIONS… A number of PFC extensions and new services
(See site for contest, too!)



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